Spring Is In The Air (or brrrr…up in the air)

There are buds on the trees and it's staying lighter in the evening. I saw lambs the other day.New beginnings and the perfect time for a new website and a new blog!Here in Scotland, I feel spring is in the air. It's difficult sometimes as the haar (a coastal fog) can come in cold over the sea but I can still feel it's presence.The seasons run into each other. You feel so cold in the wind and rain and then ,suddenly, you get out of the wind and you can feel spring!Even through the cold and the fog, the light is softer, the grass is greener and the buds start to turn. The tenaciousness of nature.It's these changes in light and colour that I love to capture as each season comes and goes.You can see the bright colours from the summer in the painting "The Perfect Summer" below:Or the more muted colours of the autumn/winter months depicted below in "Ploughed Field".So spring is in the air and I can't wait to see where my painting takes me.I also look forward to where this blogging will take me as I share my insights, experiences, or more accurately, my ramblings on matters art related.This will be fun because I don't know where I am headed but I hope you can come along!How are you inspired?  Please click on 'Leave a Comment' below and let me know and if you have a moment, please sign up to get on my email list and receive a surprise !